Okay. I really need help understanding "The Imperative", and some notes on the Superlative would be great too.

I just finished understanding about the "Comparative". And it is pretty easy.

I actually think that the Superlative seems to be easier than the Imperative, because with the Superlative, you're only saying that someone or something has the most of a certain quality compared to all the others.

Its basically. Le/La/Les + Plus + adjective.

The only thing I don't understand about this is that for the Bangs, the subject comes after, and if its not a bangs adjective, then the subject comes before.

I am doing this exercise which involves "using the Imperative". The exercise itself is very confusing. There is this map which Im dealing with. And you always have to start directions on a hotel, then from there, you're asked how to go to a church and all.

Please check to see if Ive done all this correctly.


A: Pour aller a L'église, s'il vous plaît?

B:Marchez tout droit jusqu'à ce que vous êtes sur la rue du 4 Septembre, puis marcher sur votre droite et continuez tout droit jusqu'à RUE DU MAINE, et vous verrez l'église.

This is what I want to say in English

Walk straight until you are on RUE DU 4 SEPTEMBRE, then walk to your right and go straight up RUE DU MAINE and you will see the church.

2. La Poste

A: Pour aller a La poste,s'il vous plaît?

B: Marchez tout droit jusqu'à ce que vous êtes sur la rue du 4 Septembre, puis marcher à votre gauche et tournez à gauche sur Rue Victor Hugo et aller tout droit et vous verrez La Poste.

This is what I want to say in English.

Walk straight until you are on RUE DU 4 SEPTEMBRE, then walk to your left and turn left on RUE VICTOR HUGO and go straight and you will see La Poste.

3. Le Parc

A: Pour aller a le Parc, sil vous plait?

B: Marchez tout droit jusqu'à ce que vous êtes sur la rue du 4 Septembre, puis marcher sur votre droite et tourner à droite rue du Maine et descendre l'Avenue Gambetta et vous atteindrez le parc

What I want to say in English.

Walk straight until you are on RUE DU 4 SEPTEMBRE, then walk to your right and turn right at RUE DU MAINE and go down L’Avenue Gambetta and you will reach the park.


I don't even know if I am following the directions right in the first Place.

I've uploaded the map thing on Imageshack. If you could see and follow my directions and check if they are right, I would be really appreciated. Thanks so much in advance.

Here is the site:
h t t p : / / img171 . imageshack . us/i/picture32y . j p g /

*Once you click on the site, you will see a green island like area. And the Park is just on the bottom left, with a gold horse like statue sticking out.
The church is just 2 blocks away from the park. Next to the park you see bushes, and next to that, lies the church, its the color gray. The post is the gray building that has windows, it is next to the bank which also has windows, but is in the color brown. The hotel is the place I start from, and it is the place with the blue door. I hope you can see the streets.

-Going down from the hotel, is the street *RUE DU 4 SEPTEMBRE*

-The street beside the Park is *Avenue Gambetta*

-The street which the church is on is *RUE DU MAINE*

-The other street above the hotel, is *RUE VICTOR HUGO*

2 answers

Imperative: That involves a familiar singular command (tu), a "let's" form (nous) and a formal singular/plural command (vous)
travailler = travaille/travaillons/travaillez
finir = finis/finissions/finissez
attendre = attends/attendons/attendez
(there are also irregular verbs but these are the regular -er/-ir-re verbs

Superlative: le, la, les + plus/moins + adjetive and a few irregular: meilleur, pire, moindre

1. quatre septembre, puis m archez à droite.....jusqu'à la rue

2. 4 septembre, puis marchez à gauche...sur la Rue...et allez

3. 4 septembre, puis marchez à droite et tournez à droite sur la rue...et descendez....

I'll try to find the map.

Sra (aka Mme)
P.S. Sorry, but I could not find the image of the park so I only corrected what I saw that you had done.

The months of the year are not capitalized. Be sure EACH and EVERY VERB is in the command form. If I didn't type it, what you had was OK.

Sra (aka Mme)