Okay, for an assignment, I have to interview my partner in French. So I wrote down the questions I would ask him in English, but I don't know enough French to translate them.

Can someone please help me translate these sentences into French?

What is your name?
Comment t'appelles-tu?

What are your favorite school subjects?

What do you look forward to most about school everyday?

What are your favorite activites?

Do you have any siblings?

What is your dream profession?

What are your plans for the future?

Are you involved in any sports or clubs?

Do you have any pets? If so there names and what type it is?

Do you have any pet peeves? What are they?

What is your favorite movie or television show and why?

What is the best piece of advice that someone has ever given you?

What special characteristics do you have?

what city would you like to visit?

How old are you?
Quel âge as-tu?

What is your favorite color?
Quelle est ta couleur préférée?

What do you like to eat?

Where were you born?
Où est-tu né?

What are your interests?

Merci beaucoup!

1 answer

Invest in a good paperback dictionary French--->English/English--->French. If you have been given this assignment, you should know enough French to try more than you did. If you wrote the questions, most of them begin with an Interrogative word. If your textbook doesn't have a list of them, ask for that. SIMPLIFY what you are trying to say, using the grammar and vocabulary you have learned in class. Keep in mind that this is NOT a translation site.

Quelles matières sont tes favorites?

A quoi t'attends-tu à l'école (au lycée) chaque jour?

Quelles sont tes activités favorites?

As-tu des frères ou des soeurs? (It is a bad idea to write in English first because you can never say something literally from language to language.)

À quoi rêves-tu comme profession?

Quels sont tes plans pour l'avenir?

Participes-tu dans quelques sports ou clubs?

As-tu des animaux favoris? Si c'est vrai, comment s'appellent-ils et quest-ce qui sont?

As-tu des embêtements? Qu'est-ce qui t'embête?

Quel est ton film ou programme télévisuel favori et pourquoi?

Quel est le meilleur conseil que quelqu'un t'a donné?

Quelles caractéristiques particulières as-tu?

Quelle ville aimerais-tu visiter?

Qu'est-ce que tu aimes manger? (Qu'aimes-tu manger?)

Where are you born? = Où es-tu né? (check the familiar singular form of être)

Quels sont tes intérêts? (Qu'est-ce qui t'intéresse?)

I don't think I missed anything, considering the hour and the fact that my eyes do not scan up and down very well.

Sra (aka Mme)