ok so im supposed to create a poem about child abuse...and i have some good ones but i totally just got writers block and i need help..here is part of the poem, any suggestions

it started with a pen and paper...
i write my emotions without thinking a bit
it happened so fat, did i even get hit?
i swear i did nothing wrong!
please help me god, help my parents to be gone

being abused hurts so bad, my inside and outside brused from my dad
what did i do to deserve this pain?
when i turned 10 my life spiraled down the drain

what heartless person hurts their child

and i cant find anything that rhymes with child!!! HELP ME PLZ PLZ

3 answers

have me dreaming dresms so wild

thats all i could think of
but im just a child
only a soul filled with dreams of a day of freedom and bliss
and no memories of moments like this
Be sure you spell everything correctly and use proper punctuation.
fat = fast
god = God
it = It and i = I
;help my parents = otherwise the comma will give you a run-on sentence; there are 2 separate sentences in that line.

brused = bruised

rhyming with child = dialed, filed, piled, riled, tiled, wild

This is a good start!
