First of all, definitions so you know exactly what you are looking for:
1. aforism = a pithy observation, containing a general truth
2. analogies = a comparison between 2 things
3. teoremas (theorum) = an idea that has been demostrated to be true, or assumed to be
4. axiom = an unproved proposition, but self-evident
See if that helps because I have something else to do right now, but I will go back to the play and look later.
Ok one more question about Historia del hombre que se convirtió en perro.
I was informed today that for my presentations I also have to identify any aforisms, analogies, teoremas and axioms in this story. I personally knwo they exist in the concept of the story but my professor wants examples from the text and I can't find any at any of these appear textual in this play?
2 answers
Looking for "direct" ones, it is very difficult in this play to find those 4 things. But looking "indirectly" we can try to make some lines fit. It's a good idea to become familiar with them, in any event.
I've selected some lines that may or may not fit what your teacher seeks.
1. "uno se acostumbra a todo" = generally, I find that tue = aforism
2. "no sabía leer, pero que eso no importaba porque era boxeador" = I suppose a boxer doesn't really have to know how to read = axiom
3. "es un perro, a no dudar" = comparing this man to a dog = analogy
4. "es un perro el que está aquí" = because he acts like one, he seems to be one = perhaps another analogy, comparing the man to a dog
5. "25 años de lealtad" o "35" = as far as I know, dogs do not live that long! = a theorum has to do with math, and it appears they assume this to be true
6. "no come más que el muerto" = that has to be true, because he doesn't eat; he has bones but would give the meat away
7. "¿cómo se llama esa estrella? María" = she is María and it compares her to a star, i seems = analogy
8. "¿Sabe cuántas cosas hermosas hay para ver, de pie, con los ojos hacia arriba?" = although nothing is named, it's self-evident that there is always something interesting in the sky = axiom?
Bueno, ¿qué piensa usted? Seguramente su profesor(a) va a rechazar o aceptar unas, ¿no? Me gustaría saber lo que pasa, p.f.
I've selected some lines that may or may not fit what your teacher seeks.
1. "uno se acostumbra a todo" = generally, I find that tue = aforism
2. "no sabía leer, pero que eso no importaba porque era boxeador" = I suppose a boxer doesn't really have to know how to read = axiom
3. "es un perro, a no dudar" = comparing this man to a dog = analogy
4. "es un perro el que está aquí" = because he acts like one, he seems to be one = perhaps another analogy, comparing the man to a dog
5. "25 años de lealtad" o "35" = as far as I know, dogs do not live that long! = a theorum has to do with math, and it appears they assume this to be true
6. "no come más que el muerto" = that has to be true, because he doesn't eat; he has bones but would give the meat away
7. "¿cómo se llama esa estrella? María" = she is María and it compares her to a star, i seems = analogy
8. "¿Sabe cuántas cosas hermosas hay para ver, de pie, con los ojos hacia arriba?" = although nothing is named, it's self-evident that there is always something interesting in the sky = axiom?
Bueno, ¿qué piensa usted? Seguramente su profesor(a) va a rechazar o aceptar unas, ¿no? Me gustaría saber lo que pasa, p.f.