The best way to find these words is to Google two to four key words in the definition.
If you try that and get stuck on a few, please post the definitions, number of letters, and the letters you already have for each word. We'll try to help you find the answers.
ok my teacher gave us a crossword puzzle
to do she said i was so hard that we can ask anyone for help and use the internet to look up the answers if you want to help please reply.
9 answers
The Internet is terrific for helping to solve crossword puzzles.
Use and then enter each clue or you can use a dictionary and enter words as you think of them to see if you're right.
And then there are several other sites you can access:
Use and then enter each clue or you can use a dictionary and enter words as you think of them to see if you're right.
And then there are several other sites you can access:
do you know what a zwei folower is it has 4 letters and ends with ws
please can u tell me what a zwei folower is it has 4 letters
The word zwei is the German word for two -- so you'll need to see what follows it. Could it be another number in the sequence?
If not, what else could it be? Look at other clues, too, for the words that go across (or down) those spaces. Make absolutely sure the "ws" is correct.
If not, what else could it be? Look at other clues, too, for the words that go across (or down) those spaces. Make absolutely sure the "ws" is correct.
I just googled "zwei" and checked several pages of websites. The references were to a game and the German number, two. The next number is drei -- but it doesn't fit with what you already have.
Be sure to have patience.
Not all of us are just sitting around our computers waiting for questions!!
Not all of us are just sitting around our computers waiting for questions!!
it turns out that i typed the wrong letter i typed w insted of e it fit purifitly thinks a lot
You're welcome!