ok i made a post with this question earlier:
A carbon nucleus has six protons and six neutrons. How many electrons would it take to equal the mass of a carbon nucleus?
u responded with this formula:
look up the three masses, solve for n.
An close estimate of n will be 12*1760, since one electron is 1/1760 th of the mass of a nucleon.
I tried for myself and got 7.9X10^28 for some weird reason. is the mass of carbon. .012011?
wut am i doing wrong?
Thank you so much! and if you arnt bobpursley but know how to do this problem please tell me:)
2 answers
You didn't do something right. Post what you substituted into the formula and someone will check the math/algebra. I looked up the mass of the proton and the mass of the neutron, plugged them into the formula Bob P wrote for you and came up with an answer of about 22,000 (not exact).
i got the answer thank you!