Oh no! I just realized that I just had a test and for example 2sinx-sinx-1.
If I answered theta = *whatever whatever... instead of x = *whatever and my teacher decides to deduct half marks for each question I do, what are some points that I can argue?
This is making me worried as what if he deducts all the points from the numerous questions! What points can I argue to make him consider giving me no deductions.
This is worrying me because their is tons of questions that I could have switched x for theta or theta for x.
4 answers
Well ask him to maybe mark you on your working out. BUT I am on the side of the teacher. You did it wrong. Tell him politely how you feel and hope he is sympethetic
Yeah that is right but he changed a question around and I guess not thinking I wrote theta instead of x...
Sigh... needed this test mark to be high.
Sigh... needed this test mark to be high.
Tell him theta was just a random representative and in no way correlated with radians/degrees.
Thanks, I hopefully won't get any deductions!