Of the 20boys in a class, 16 play basket ball, 12play football and 4 play volleyball, every boy plays at least 1 game and 2 play all the three games. Put the information in the Venn diagram.

2 answers

I what the answer
nice problem.

Draw your 3 circles, label them as B, F, and V
enter 2 as the intersection of all 3
In the B and F ONLY part enter a
In the F and V ONLY part enter b
In the B and V ONLY part enter c

In the B only part, enter 16 - a - c - 2 = 14-a-c
In the F only part, enter 12 - a - b - 2 = 10-a-b
In the V only part, enter 4 - b - c - 2 = 2-b-c

let's look at the 2-b-c
It said that everybody plays at least one sport, so
this is possible only if b = 1 and c = 1
replace b and c with 1
so that leaves only a as our missing value

but the sum of all the values must be equal to 20
you should have no trouble showing that a = 6

Now you can fill in all the values