o In the future, how will thinking critically influence the ways that you:
· Read?
· Write?
· Process information?
o Why and how could you apply critical thinking when evaluating each of the following:
· Articles
· Advertising
· Media
· Conversations
Here is my answer:
In the future, the way that I read, write and process information
Will dramatically change. I would listen and carefully review the topic in order to detect bias and one-sided arguments. Someone’s thinking helps create opinion, bias and prejudices. Additionally, I will determine if I will take what I read as fact or opinion. I might seek other sources to confirm or reject the arguments. I would ask what does the author want me to know or believe. The most important part is to read and come up with an argument before making any critical judgment. Also, it is important to find supporting facts and examples to back me up. And in turn these aspects of thought will be reflected in my writing. Therefore, thinking critically controls everything that I will write. It is almost like a law to write a good academic paper.
Also, when evaluating the following sources such as articles, advertising, media and conversations I will highlight and analyze all ideas in order to evaluate each argument by order of importance. In the future, this process will stop me from making any quick judgment. Thinking deeply will help me decide what to believe and how to proceed.
2 answers
Have a great evening.