Now is the time for you to begin thinking
and planning for what you will do to make sure ELL students in your classes are successful learners.
Make your top ten list of steps to take to ensure ELL student success.
Here is what I have come up with so far.
Accommodating English Language Learners
As a potential educator that will be teaching in the modern classrooms of today, I have learned to expect to acquire a highly diverse classroom of my own someday. I have created a list of steps to take to ensure that I possess the ability and knowledge to present equal opportunities of success to my future ELL students. Below are the top ten steps that I plan to use when educating ELL students.
Step One: Assess the ELL student’s current English comprehension level.
Rationale: In order to provide ELL students with the tools for success it is important to know how familiar the student is with English so that one may establish a starting point.
Step two: Determine the most effect ways to communicate with the ELL students.
Rationale: Does the Ell student understand best with body language? It would be highly be beneficial to discover what forms of instruction are the most effective for ELL students.
Step three: Create a learning environment that is conducive to Learning the English Language.
Rationale: It is vital that the educators with ELL students create a learning environment that prompts learning of English vocabulary. Stimulating several senses while teaching English, or any language for that matter, can help increase retention. Visual aids can be a powerful asset to ELL students; no matter how differently words are spoken from language to language sight is universal understood.
I was looking for some guidance and feedback. Am I on the right track?
8 answers
Absolutely stimulate all 5 senses! There are many "games/activities" to help you with that.
One of the first things I did in foreign-language classes was to analyze what type of learner each student was. There are 3 main types but most people are a combination of those. 1. Some learn aurally. Then they need to HEAR what they want to learn. 2. Some learn visually. Then they need to SEE what they want to learn. 3. Some are kinesthetic learners. That is the most difficult, but I happen to be one of those. I need to PHYSICALLY "walk" through I want to learn. Repetition is the key to learning vocabulary and it never hurts to hear it, say it, see it and eventually write it - in that order as anyone learns a native language.
My students learned to laugh WITH someone but never AT.
I'll be happy to share whatever I have. There are some very helpful sites online as well. Feel free to ask for anything you'd like.
Sra (aka Mme)
You may want to separate some of these steps in order to come up with 10 steps.
For instance, you could break your third step into specific ways you'd stimulate several senses.
Sra, who's had a lot of experience teaching ELL students, added some very good ideas.
As a potential educator that will be teaching in the modern classrooms of today, I have learned to expect to acquire a highly diverse classroom of my own someday. I have created a list of steps to take to ensure that I possess the ability and knowledge to present equal opportunities of success to my future ELL students. Below are the top ten steps that I plan to use when educating ELL students.
Step One: Assess the ELL student’s current English comprehension level.
Rationale: In order to provide ELL students with the tools for success it is important to know how familiar the student is with English, so that one may establish a starting point.
Step two: Determine what learning strengths the ELL student currently possess.
Rationale: Every student learns at different paces, looking back to the student’s average grades from his or her previous schools will help to determine the student’s strengths and weaknesses before changing to a school that is taught in a second language. This is also helpful for the educators to decide if the methods that they use are effective.
Step three: Construct benchmarks for the ELL students to meet.
Rationale: Using the results from the English assessment, establish learning benchmarks that the ELL student will be expected to meet. Creating Benchmarks will allow students to know what is expected of them and will help track ELL students’ progress.
Step four: In addition to long-term benchmarks, set short-term stepping stones.
Rationale: Short-term stepping stones will help ELL students stay on track to fulfill the benchmark requirements. Additionally, short-term success can help ELL students to stay motivated by allowing them to see their progress on a regular basis.
Step five: Uncover the strongest and weakest areas of multiple intelligences the ELL student possesses.
Rationale: By understanding what types of learning experiences are most effective to the ELL student(s) the road to success may become a much more productive ride. If the ELL student excels in hands-on learning, but the teacher provides mostly individual reading assignments than the ELL student will not be properly equipped with the opportunity to succeed.
Step six: Determine the most effect ways to communicate with the ELL students.
Rationale: Does the ELL student understand best with body language? It would be highly be beneficial to discover what forms of instruction are the most effective for ELL students. This will also allow the teacher to decide whether to use the transitional or immersion technique.
Step seven: Create a learning environment that is conducive to Learning the English Language.
Rationale: It is vital that the educator, with ELL students, creates a learning environment that prompts learning of English vocabulary. Stimulating several senses while teaching English, or any language for that matter, can help increase retention. Visual aids can be a powerful asset to ELL students; no matter how differently words are spoken from language to language, sight is universally understood.
Step eight: Create a grouped seating plan.
Rationale: Implement a rotating seating chart that changes periodically. The groups will consist of diverse students, so that ELL students and English speaking students may work together and learn from one another.
Step nine: Create themed lesson plans.
Rationale: Themes that are carried on throughout the week will enable ELL students to become more familiar with vocabulary through means of repetition.
Step ten: Create a daily routine.
Rationale: The language barrier can sometimes leave ELL students feeling lost and this can take away from active learning time. A daily routine can help ELL students to know what to expect and encourage them to feel confident in actively participating.
I hope SraJMcGin also responds to this post.