* Note to Sra: I saw your replies to my previous post. They were very useful! I am posting a new question as the questions are a different topic.*
Can you please check if I have written these sentences correctly in the affirmative form? I believe that affirmatives are just regular phrases.
1. Elle mange un bonbon.
2. Je regarde un film.
3. Nous finnissons le devoirs.
4. Vous allez à l’ècole.
Negative Form:
1. Elle ne joue pas des sports.
2. Je n'aime pas de chocolat.
3. Elle ne comprends plus cette leçon.
4. Ils ne vont veux rien.
1. Vas-tu bien?
2. Est-ce que tu manges une pomme?
3. Va-t-elle retourner a l'ècole?
4. Qu'est ce que tu fais avec tes amis?
Negative Interrogative?
1. Ne vas-tu bien?
2. Est-ce que tu ne manges une pomme?
3. Ne vat-il retouner a l'ècole?
4. Pourquoi tu ne finis pas le deviors?
I'm not really sure about the Negative Interrogative...
Merci en avance!
4 answers
Negative, #1. In the negative, try to remember either pas de or pas d'(+ vowel)
#3 Elle is the subject so the verb has no "s" = comprend
#4 Ils ne rien veux (word order)
Interrogative, #3 = à l'école (accent grave and then accent aigu. There are really 3 "e" sounds: e = uh / é = a (first letter of American alphabet) / è = eh. All 3 are in the word "élève.
Negative interrogative, #2 needs the other half of the negative = Est-ce que tu ne manges pas une pomme?
#3 = spelling error in verb = Ne va-t-il retourner à (accent) l'école (accent aigu)
#4, plural + spelling = les devoirs. Also, the best word order is = Pourquoi ne finis-tu pas les devoirs? (or le devoir, either both article & noun singular or plural (not half & half!)
More on Negative Interrogative:
1. A verb is made negative by placing "ne" before it and "pas" after it = ne (verb) pas
2. In the inverted question form, "ne" is placed before the verb while "pas" is placed after the subject pronoun (which is inverted with the verb and attached by a hyphen) = "ne" (verb) + pronoun "pas"
3. The "e" of "ne" is dropped before a voiwel or silent "h" = je n'arrive pas / je n'habitte pas
(It's a pleasure to work with you!)
Sra (aka Mme)
Sra (aka Mme)