

It's amazing how much easier it is to unscramble text if you leave the first and last letters on their places. I saw this on an add on NGC channel some time ago and decided to test it out for myself using a program.

The text below is a scrambled version of an essay that was corrected by Writeacher. Of course, the fact that you read whole sentences makes unscrambling easier. Also note that the faster you try to read it the easier it becomes.

"As an imanrigmt, I konw that I hvae less canhce to get into the Uvnitresiy of Crnifolaia tahn ohter polpee. But I neevr gave up the idea of gtinetg itno UC. As I meoitennd brofee, I hvae tkaen as many clgloee prep cssleas I colud to meet the UC's rrmeieutqens. Some of my firndes ocne tierd to pderause me to give up tihs idea, besauce asimsoidn to UC is vrey diflfuict. Of cousre I know that, but I am not the knid of posren to pass up a good ouirtpotnpy. Wehn I frist cmae to the Uitned Stetas, I did not dare tnihk auobt UC beuasce I tuhghot I had lttlie chcnae of bnieg acptceed. But I rbemeemr my math teechar ocne tlod the csals that "if you don't try yuor best you may rreegt it later. But if you tried yuor bset, no metatr waht the rselut is, you won't rreegt it." Atefr I hread tihs, my dietamirtneon to get itno UC is eevn stengorr. I aaylws hvae bvieeeld that one's ditieamrnteon wlil help him or her work trhugoh every hrasdhip. I bvlieee that my dtrieaeoimntn can help me commit to erianng my bacaltauarece degere at the Utisrvniey of Cifaliorna."

characteristic for storyteller

i need a list of words that start end with onh

i need a list of words that start end with onh

i need a list of words that end with onh

good answer!

can you please unscramble my sentence which is : is forgets said elephant an that never it.

i would really appreciate it

mice get igloo

3 answers
