Needs assessment: What types of issues might indicate a need for training? From

what sources would these issues be identified? If you were a training manager, how
would you prioritize training needs from these sources?
a. A supervisor requests training on the specialized technology required by five of
his employees.
b. The customer service manager reports a sudden increase in calls about poor
handling of repeat complaint calls.
c. The CEO requests team efficiency training to address the declining numbers of
employees attending quarterly pep rallies.
2. Delivery: Identify the best method to conduct this training. Is a certification exam
required? Will the training be instructor-led, self-paced, or a combination? Explain
your answer.
Focusing on delivery considerations, would you use the same methods and
requirements for the position directly above this job and the position directly
subordinate to the job? Explain your answer.Evaluation: How will you evaluate the effectiveness of the training in terms of
organizational objectives and limitations?

3 answers

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My chosen career is registered nursing for this one assignment. I need an idea of how to start this assignment.
What types of issues might indicate a need for training? From what sources would these issues be identified? If you were a training manager, how would you prioritize training needs from these sources? My position I selected was Healthcare Administration.