Need help with rewriting the following sentences using the word at the end as the subject. Thanks!!!

1) Yo servi en salada de fruta. (Lupe)
Lupe sirvio en salada de fruta.

2) La nina no pidio jugo de manzana. (nosotros)
Nosotros no pidimos jugo de manzana.

3) Tomas prefirio langosta. (yo
Yo prefer langosta.

4) Nosotros nos sentimos tristes. (los senores Garcia)
Los senores Garcia sintieron nos tristes.

5) Me vesti para salir. (Rita)
Rita vistió para salir.

6) Francisca se despidio de los abuelos. (Elena y Roberto)

2 answers

I"ll send this to our Spanish expert, Sra.
When using the Preterit, as well as other words in Spanish , please don't forget the necessary accent marks. If the word has an accent and i t is missing, it is wrong. If you don't know how to do accent marks on the computer, I need to know 2 things: 1) Do you have a Mac or a PC and 2) do you have Windows or not.

1. sirvió = accent mark. I also suspect "en" is incorrect; perhaps it is una?

2. the nosotros, and vosotros, forms are as close to the infinitive as they can be. The infinitive is pedir and the form you need here is pedimos. Yes, it looks exactly like the Present Tense!

3. preferir is a stem-changing verb, e--->ie. The form is prefiero

4. señores (with tilde) García (with accent) and it is the Reflexive Verb sentirSE so the form is se sintieron.

5. This is not visitar but vestirse (to get dressed) se vistió

6. I do not see the answer for this one. Elena y Roberto se despidieron (despedirse)

I didn't bother to correct the other words missing accent marks = niña, pidió, Tomás prefirió, se despidió

I'll flag this so I can come back later to see if you had other questions.
