Need Help with a Camp Crossword Puzzle. Need to know Another word for Lumberjack Beds and Another word for Who Helped the Cook?
4 answers
How many letters in each word? What letters have you found for each word?
Helped the Cook - 9 Letters, begins with C and ends in YS.
Lumberjack Beds - 6 letters, 3rd letter is L and 5th letter is K, Maybe?
Lumberjack Beds - 6 letters, 3rd letter is L and 5th letter is K, Maybe?
Figured out who Helped the Cook = Choreboys, Now all I need is Lumberjack beds. Help?
Lumberjack Beds now starts with a B. 6 letters long. 3rd letter is L and 5th letter is K. Last letter is probably S. Help?