1 picture in 3 seconds
220,000,000 pictures in 3(220,000,000) seconds
660,000,000 seconds
There are 3600 seconds in an hour, so divide by that.
(Drop the extra 2 zeroes on each number.)
6,600,000 / 36
It will take her 183,333.33 hours.
Need assistance on this word problem...
Singer I.M. Great publicly promised each of her fans an autographed photo of herself. The response was bigger than expected: all 220,000,000 people in the U.S. wrote for a picture(even her own brother). Calculate the number of hours I.M will need to sign all photographs, if she signs 1 picture every 3 seconds.
My answer was 11,000,000..please let me know if this is correct
1 answer