Name two types of evidence used to support the theory of evolution. Explain how scientists use each type of evidence to provide support for evolution. Give one example of each.

34 answers
You guys need to give her or he encoaragement that they can do it on there own
i know this is late but i was looking this up because im taking the same test. Mrs. Bastin, respectfully, they were helping him/her. They gave the person some possible resources so they could take that information to help her (i'm just going to assume that the person that asked the question was a her (sorry if you aren't, i don't mean to offend you)) answer the question and learn. She would learn the same information in her class, so are you saying that teachers should just give students questions that you have no information to and "encourage" them to do it on their own? no. probably not. so therefore, your argument is irrelevant. I normally don't say anything on those comments but i keep seeing them on here, and if you are just going to encourage us to do it on our own then what is the point of this site? idk about everyone else, but when i post a question on here, i want someone to help me, not give me a dumb "pat on the back" and say "I'm not going to give you an answer or help in anyway, but i thought i would respond to you to tell you to keep trying and stop asking people for help". NO. that's not what this site is intended for, and im sorry, but if you don't like it, get off. Because that is all you're going to see on here, considering the fact that this is a place to learn, if i'm not mistaken. I mean, by all means, correct me if i'm wrong about any of this. I would love to here another one of your "keep trying" comments. :)
sorry for the grammar and capitalization but i just dont feel like worrying about that rn.
Well said, Anon. I appreciate you saying that because I was thinking the same thing
Same Anon! Well said!!! And dr.bob222 wikepedia isnt a very reliable source for information. Someone can login and change that info anytime they want.
Yes I agree Anon and wiki is a untrustable website
Well said, I agree Anon.
Whenever I get done with the test I will give the answers!!! Okay. Just stop cussing and being disrespectful!!
tana were you at wit dem answers boo
that type of language is NOT ok, tana was going to give you the answers but guess what? after you all said those mean and hurtful things he/ she wont and I'm glad she didn't. idc what you say about this comment I just posted so say whatever you want because deep down inside you know that what you said is wrong.
Ello, M8s. Bob the Dinosaur here, always helpful. So. I see some of you are being weird, which is normal I guess. Anyways...@Anon ! Congrats, I completely agree. Very well said, and your grammar doesn't matter at this point, because you got what you wanted to say out there. So, as for the answer to this question, I will find it and give it to all of you (The swearing and the not swearing) freely. Just be patient. I know the end of the school year is upon us, but we must REMAIN CALM!
Bob the Dinosaur
P.S. The answers will come out soon, I swear.
1. Molecular evidence: similar proteins and genes found in closely related species, even if those genes are not used by an organism.
2. Fossil evidence: organisms changing form over time through the fossil record.
I think this info can help you a lot 
There you are. No need to thank me...You're welcome! xD
Bob the Dinosaur
Thanks Bob! Can always rely on you.
Thank you Bob!
It is one think to help when studying, but when you are straight up asking for test answers, that is cheating. My teacher will make a serve a detention with the asst Ppal for breaking the honor code. If you do the review and do your study guide you will be teacher literally tells us every topic that will be on the test so we don't waste our time with smaller, less important junk. Makes my tests super easy!
dude, shut up. you know you came here to cheat aswell, so don't even. How could you have randomly ended up here? Also, I will try and give a small essay for this question when i'm done, since i'm trying to finish science early aswell as for future connexus students.
I used Bob the dinasour a bit, and made it into this. Please note this isn't my best work, and if you're going to copy please change it up a bit before submitting.

24. Scientists can use fossil evidence from many years ago for the theory of evolution. This helped them comprehend what the species was like. Scientists could also use similar genes found in close relatives. This can show how alike and unalike they are.

25. A cladogram is a diagram showing the cladistic relationship between species. A scientist might use this to look for similarities that might indicate that they are closely related. Like for example, if they belonged to the same DNA line or not.

Again, if you are going to use these please change them or you could possibly get into trouble.
Hope I helped a bit
Ty @not so hot

that helped me a lot
Thank you "not so hot^" and well said Anon!!! *wipes a tear and starts to mimic an old lady voice* that was one of the most beautiful words ever spoken on Jiskha! (yeah yeah, i know I'm 'bein dramatic but somebody had to do it)
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ <3
Science 7 B Unit 4: Natural Selection and Adaptation

A - Observations...
D - Darwin thought organisms had to struggle to survive, while Lamarck...
A - To compare structures...
D - Burbank's process did not involves environmental...
D - Natural Selection...
B - Jellyfish have soft bodies that decay...
D - DNA Sequences
D - Most of the members...
A - Antibodies...
D - Hippos and whales evolved from a common ancestor
B - Gradualism
C - Natural Selection; diseases; AS: Genetic Engineering
C - A newly constructed...
B - [Picture] Lioness

[Fill in the blank]

Common ancestor
Punctuated Equilibrium
Artificial Selection

[Essays - Cannot help W/ these]

Good Luck :)
Is UwU correct? Also hi UwU lol
Yeah sure, cheating's fine, but a relatively mild swear word? hecing foRBIDDEN
jfc you guys
wow cant believe you came here to cheat after I was cheating too wow i'm totally not the biggest hypocrite ever but you are a deep SINNER for cheating even though I was wow im totally not deranged
cough *INCAGIRL* cough
how did these replies get so toxic lmao
Hey guys! These are my essay answers, similar to @notsohot. I suggest you put as much of this into your own words as possible!

24. Fossil evidence is one of the ways scientists can use to help prove the theory of evolution. They can compare similar bone structures from certain species to see if they match. Evolution means our bodies adapting and changing to help us survive in our habitats. So even if the bone structures aren't entirely the same, they will have common characteristics. Another way is by looking at the genes of the researched animals. Our genes characterize us to be the way we are. If there is a common DNA found in the genes, t can be safe to say that the animals are part of the same family.

25. A cladogram is a diagram representing the relationship between species. Scientists can use these diagrams to search for similarities in organisms that might show that they are related to a common ancestor. They would write out the DNA of each organism and construct a cladogram where they will be able to see easily if there are any similarities.
am I like the only one in 2020 looking for answers and there still the same? like people say they change the answers but every test ive took there the same answers XD
also thanks wassup
TwT nope I’m here😭😂😂😂
@wassup is 100% correct. Thank you so much.