n apple and feather free fall in a evacuated chamber. The apple and feather are released from the top. Suppose the camera opened flash every 1 s.

(1)Suppose A1 is the distance from t = 0s to t = 1 s, A2 is the distance from t = 1s to t =2s, A3 is the distance from t = 2s to t = 3s …… what is the ratio of A1: A2: A3……?
(2) If camera opened flash every 0.06s, is the ratio of the distance between every 0.06 s the same as above or change? Why?

1 answer

construct a table,

d=1/2 g t^2

fill in the distance for t=0,1,2,3,...

then add another columm, dt, or the distnace between that time and the past.

For instance, dt at t=3 will be d(3)-d(2).

Note the ratio.