But was that time time period of the book? Check these links for the more exact time and the historical events.
My teacher is giving our classroom books and our assignment is to the find the time period of the book. My book is Death of the Sales man and it was created on 1949, so the time period would be that it was created during World War 2, Berlin Airlift?
10 answers
When was World War II? When was the Berlin airlift? The play covers about 30 years of the life of the Loman family. So, what is the time period before 1949? It was, as you note, premiered and copyright in 1949. There is also the question of whether or not the play only depicts a specific time in history, or whether the same play could have been written in any time period since, say, the mid-1800s to today? Change the make of the car from a Studebaker to a Toyota...???
I honestly don't understand.
It was written in 1948, and the main characters were in the Great Depression.
What don't you understand?
Most of the book was set in the second half of the 1940s. That was after World War II.
Did you read the two links I posted?
Most of the book was set in the second half of the 1940s. That was after World War II.
Did you read the two links I posted?
No! No! No!
The Great Depression was in the 1930s. Please study those links and the information that Reed posted.
The Great Depression was in the 1930s. Please study those links and the information that Reed posted.
oh OK. i didn't see them thank you for the help. so it would be 1946-1949 ?
Yes. 1946 - 49.
thanks for the help
You are welcome.