My teacher has told us a number of times on how to write the "source" for writing a research paper.

I keep forgetting, and I feel a little unnerved when asking her again & again.
Can you please tell me how to write down different sources? Including internet, dictionary, books, and anything else.
Thank you.

This is a rather old link, but it should forward you to the new URL. Once there, use the list at the left as the table of contents.

Hold your cursor over the words CITING SOURCES and then click on what you need help with -- book, magazine, newspaper, website, or whatever. It will give you explanations and examples for both places to put citation information: one, in the works cited list; two, in the text itself in parentheses.

If you have a specific work that you have questions about, be sure to let us know.


Another common method can be found through the APA (American Psychological Association).
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I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.