My teacher given me an extension on this thing. Can you give me suggestions what to say in the thank you letter (like complients or fun phrases for a teacher)?
5 answers
"Thank you for being understanding."
"Thank you for your patience."
"Thanks for counseling me instead of just telling me to leave the room."
"Thank you for explaining an idea in several different ways so we'd eventually understand."
If you get specific, you'll have a better thank-you letter!
"Thank you for explaining an idea in several different ways so we'd eventually understand."
If you get specific, you'll have a better thank-you letter!
"Thank you for helping us learn and possess skills we will need later in life"
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
I can't increase your pay,
so this short thank you
will just have to do.
Violets are blue.
I can't increase your pay,
so this short thank you
will just have to do.