well, it is likely to smell after a few days. So do it outside.
I would plant two lima bean seeds in each pot, water one with water, the other with milk. Take daily observations. Be certain to use the same amount of fluid each time. Make certain the pots have holes in the bottom.
My son has a science project to do on "Does a plant groww bigger if watered with milk or water?. Please if you can help how to get started
3 answers
Start early - plant germination takes time regardless of the plant. Also you must be sure to replicate each plants environment as much as possible. Same potting soil, same sunlight, same amounts of liquid at the same time. Also you should have a control group. Since you are testing the effectiveness of growth based on type of liquid you should have one seed potted exactly the same but gets no liquid at all. The key to any good experiment is to isolate the variables you wish to test. Best of luck
Make sure that all of the variables(sunlight, temperature, space, amount of liquid) are the same for both plants. The only thing that should be different is the type of liquid you give each plant.
Good luck!
Good luck!