My one teacher gave us six assignments two nights ago, in addition to two long term assignments. I have several other classes besides this one, and teachers generally give no more than two assignments at once. It is impossible to complete all of the work and to do a good job on it. Should I approach my teacher? How should I explain this to him? My teacher is emphasizing quanitity of work over quality of work, and I want to do my best.

2 answers

If this is assignment for over Spring Break, plan a little each day. If it seems unfair to you, try talking to the teacher FIRST, but be careful how you approach the topic. If the teacher is put on the defensive, that will not be good. Then, if you aren't satisfied with the answer, try the school counselor. If quantity is TRULY more important than the quality, your best won't matter?

No, the work is not over spring break. It was this week (we don't get spring break until Friday). We are, however, getting new assignments for spring break. But thanks for your help.