My grandson need tutoring in basic Spanish to improve translate from Spanish to English in writing assignments, &grammar . Do you have review , similar to Khanacademy ? He needs tutoring to improve basic Spanish , has no tutoring in his school. Thank you
3 answers
generally this site works to answer specific questions. There is a wealth of online resources at your google fingertips. Or at your local used bookstore or library.
To help you, I would need to know what you are studying at the time. Which would be more important to you --- verbs or grammar. Both are important, and usually you will study verbs and grammar for each lesson. It would help to know the Textbook you have, to know the approach Since you say "basic" I'm assuming you would begin with Chapter I.
My students had review sheets on grammar, verbs, vocabulary and culture.
My students had review sheets on grammar, verbs, vocabulary and culture.
Was this a serious request? It has been 2 days and no response.