This would depend upon what Level of French you are in: I, II, III, etc. and what you have learned from your textbook. Look through your textbooks for questions you have learned.
For example, all questions begin with an interrogative word:
où = where
qui = who
qu'est-ce qui = what, as subject
qu'est-ce que (qu') = what as object
quand = when
pourquoi = why
combien = how much/many
For example: Where do you live?
What is your school like?
How many people are in your family?
What are you studying?
What do you do for fun?
Just imagine what you would like to know about this pen pal. Feel free to list your questions here and I'll be glad to proofread them for you.
Sra (aka Mme)
My french teacher has asked us too gather us questions to ask our pen pals on a live link up. (webcam to each other) but, i cannot think of anything to ask her. Please help and give me some ideas ?
1 answer