My dearest Guru,
Thank you for your kind comments. I am sorry if I appeared serious, anxcious, frustrated, paniced and any other emotion that my have come accross in any offencive or disrespectfull way. I have had a bit of a month though. House flooded, baby sick and back and forth from the small island to the mainland, computer drive crashing and loosing months of work and having to scrape the money for new hardrive etc.
I am now at a point where I have 2 days before I must sit exams and swamped.
Life realy can be a laugh and most entertaining without it being a joke.
I will do my best believe me. And should I fail, I will scrimp and scrape and sit the whole thing again when hopefully mother nature and all the exteriour intrusions allow me to be.
I know I can do this I am a natural born actor, leader and educator. Been doing it for years just not in this field.
Again sorry if I sounded too serious, just up against a clock.
1 answer
The 'performance art' comment was not aimed at you on a personal level. Just thought it might be an aspect that you might want to add....and you didn't sound any of the above other than anxious to do well on the exam. BEST OF LUCK!!!! Think positive!
You sound like you will make a good teacher....
Oh, I understand entirely, the "when the stuffing hits the fan"...that can make one "testy" to say the least.