my answers have a ***star next to them
1. Who coined the term “Iron Curtain”?
a. Harry Truman
b. Joseph Stalin
c. Winston Churchill***
2. What best describes the Truman Doctrine?
a. Provide food and goods for post-Nazi Germany
b. Provide for the re-election campaign of Harry S. Truman
c. Promise aid to any nations struggling against communists movements.***
3. What was the dividing border between North and South Korea set by the United States and the Soviet Union.
a. The 38th Parallel****
b. The Mason Dixon Line
c. The 35th Parallel
4. The United States and the Soviet Union believed a program of mutually assured destruction would accomplish what?
a. Total annihilation of the world
b. Used as a deterrent so neither country would use their nuclear arsenal****
c. Increase the number of ICBM’s in the world
5. Identify the main purpose of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC).
a. Identify world military leaders who may want to come to America
b. Identify potential representatives to Congress
c. Identify and investigate possible subversive activities by fascist, Nazis, or communists in America.****
2 answers