My answers are ***

The word that are supposed to be in italics are in all capitals.

1.   Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics.

When London speaks of Buck METAMORPHISING, he means that Buck

lost his appetite.

changed into a different kind of dog.***

dominated the sled dog team.

returned to his homeland.

2.   Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics.

A camp could be described as TRANSIENT because it is





3.   Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics.

The farmer had to remove a large thorn from the horse’s HINDQUARTERS.



front leg

rear leg***

4.   Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics.

Michael scanned his clean room one last time before he left, remembering how his mother always called him FASTIDIOUS.

easy to distract

attentive to details

impulsive and hard to predict

slow and always running late***

5.   In The Call of the Wild, when Buck is first kidnapped, all of the following occur except  (1 point)

he gets sold for money.

he gets attacked by other dogs.***

he gets beaten by the man in the red sweater.

he gets caged in a train’s baggage car.

6.   In The Call of the Wild, when John Thornton threatens Hal against beating Buck any further, the conflict can best be described as  (1 point)

man vs. man.***

man vs. himself.

man vs. nature.

man vs. society.

7.   In The Call of the Wild, the sentence “Buck did not read the newspapers, or he would have known that trouble was brewing, not alone for himself, but for every tide-water dog, strong of muscle and with warm, long hair, from Puget Sound to San Diego” shows the narration of the novel is in  (1 point)

first person.

second person.

third person limited.

third person omniscient.***

8.   The scene where Hal beats the starving Buck nearly to death is an example of what plot element in The Call of the Wild?  (1 point)




falling action***

The High School Step Team 

Karla’s cousin Jade urged her to join the step team. “This afternoon you should definitely try out!” Jade suggested after the final bell rang. 

“I know she wants the best for me,” Karla thought to herself, “but I’m not sure I’d be any good, and I’d feel embarrassed if I messed up in front of others.” Karla had seen step teams in action: they stomped, they clapped, and they performed all kinds of skillful, synchronized moves. 

“Our team is not as amazing as professional steppers, but we have a lot of fun!” Jade said. “Also, if you join the team, you will instantly have forty new friends!”
“I like the idea of forty new friends,” Karla thought to herself. “Still, I’m worried about bringing up my math grade. I’d better play it safe for now," she decided. 

“I really appreciate your concern, but I’ve got to say no thanks for now,” Karla told Jade. “I’m going for after-school help in math.” 

As Karla turned away from Jade and walked down the hall towards the math class, she pictured her cousin shrugging her shoulders. “Okay, do whatever you think is best,” Jade said. “I’ll see you at home.” 

Karla went to the after-school math session. The work was challenging, and she had to concentrate. The teacher said nice things to Karla about her efforts to grasp the ideas they were studying. “And yet,” Karla thought, “I still have a lot of work and study ahead of me.” When the after-school math session ended, Karla peeked into the gym. 

“Hey, that’s my cousin!” Jade cried out. “Come on over here, Karla.”
Forty male and female students stopped in mid-routine to look at Karla. Too embarrassed to refuse, she joined one of the lines. 

Karla soon learned that stepping requires a lot of mental energy. “It’s something like math,” she thought silently, “but not exactly the same. I have to connect my brain to my body, and make it move or stop at exactly the right moment. The key here is to execute every movement skillfully.” Very soon, Karla had mastered the team’s trademark “slap–finger snap–slap–slap–stomp.” 

That night, Karla got back to work on math. At first, she felt guilty about the time spent in the gym. Then she reminded herself of the old saying, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” An English teacher once told her the origins of this cliché go all the way back to ancient Egypt. 

As Karla worked, she was surprised to find that she suddenly understood her algebra problems better than she had before. “There must be some carry-over effect from step practice,” she concluded. The concentration and focus that she exercised in step team practice seemed to help her focus more clearly on her math. Karla smiled as she thought, “Who would have guessed that spending time with a step team might be more helpful to my math grade than spending time on math work?” 

Later, Karla was as much a member of the step team as anybody. “I don’t feel the least bit embarrassed anymore,” she told Jade. “When I am stepping, I feel completely focused on the rhythm of the team and working together with my ‘forty new friends.’ As an added bonus, my math work now seems much easier.”
Use the passage to answer the question.
9.   Which is the main way the author of "The High School Step Team" reveals Jade’s character to readers?  (1 point)

by describing Jade's appearance

by describing Jade's thoughts

by what Jade says and what Karla thinks about Jade

by what other characters say to Jade and how they act around Karla***

The Invitation
Before school, Michelle arrived at her locker outside Mrs. Harper’s English class. Just inside the door Aisha and Tasha were standing at the pencil sharpener. Mr. Carver was across the hall helping a student with a math problem. 

“Tasha,” Aisha said. “Jeremy invited me to go sledding down Robin’s Hill with a bunch of his friends Saturday and said I could invite someone. You want to come?” 

“I don't know. I hate the cold, and besides, I’m not sure I like sledding. Why don’t you ask Michelle?” 

Michelle listened as she stood out in the quiet hallway. 

“Michelle?” Aisha said. “Oh, I don’t know. She and Jeremy don’t get along very well.” Aisha and Tasha began walking back to their seats and out of Michelle’s earshot. 

Michelle did not walk anywhere right then. Her mind was elsewhere. 

At lunch Aisha and Tasha sat at a table in the cafeteria. Michelle walked up with her tray and joined them. “So, I hear you’re going sledding,” Michelle said to Aisha.

Use the passage to answer the question.

10.   How does the author of "The Invitation" mainly reveal Michelle's character?  (1 point)

through Aisha's actions***

through Michelle's thoughts

through Tasha's thoughts

through a direct description from the narrator

11.   How does the setting serve in The Call of the Wild to develop Buck as a character?

It allows him to roam free of restraints for the first time.

It offers him the chance to interact with a greater variety of characters in Alaska.

It develops how Alaskan natives live more primitively than Californian natives.***

It put him in situations where he had to turn to his animal instincts in order to survive.

12.   In The Call of the Wild, Buck’s abduction from his home in California is an example of  (1 point)



point of view.

rising action.

13.   Which of the following statements would not be a main theme in The Call of the Wild?  (1 point)

Always trust your gut.***

Only the strong survive.

We are driven by our ancient animal instincts.

The beast within us all will come out under the right circumstance.

14.   Which of the following lines from Call of the Wild best supports one of the themes?  (1 point)

“But Buck possessed a quality that made for greatness—imagination.”

“In passion to rend and destroy, he never forgot that his enemy was in like passion to rend and destroy.”

“Buck stood and looked on, the successful champion, the dominant primordial beast who made his kill and found it good.”***

“He took all manner of risks, resolutely thrusting his little weazened face into the frost and struggling on from dim dawn to dark.”

15.   Which of the following from The Call of the Wild most effectively conveys the development of Buck as a character?  (1 point)

Buck’s actions

Buck’s dialogue***

others’ feelings about Buck

others’ dialogue about Buck

16.   In The Call of the Wild, what motivates Buck’s being sold as a sled dog?  (1 point)

The Judge had no more room for a house dog.

Buck killed Spitz with a pack of dogs.

Manuel needed money for gambling debts.***

The man with the red sweater saw his large size and wanted him for his strength.

17.   Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics.

The Army recruit picked up his pace because he did not want the sergeant to think he was a MALINGIER.

lazy person

slow person

weak person***

confused person

18.   Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics.

Princess Diana was loved by many because she was not seen as IMPERIOUS.





19.   In The Call of the Wild, the man with the red sweater most likely represents  (1 point)


growing older.

Alaska’s gold rush.

lust for money and power.***

94 answers

4, 9, 10, 17 are wrong

5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19 - I don't know.

I only know half right now because im currently taking the test but heres the answers for half of the test! =)
8 .c

glad to help for the most part of it! hope it helps! =)
ill give the other half once i finish the test =)
oops for 10 i meant 10.c! sorry!
finish that test yet?
Lesson 11: The call of the wild: Unit test. English 9 A unit"3 the call of the wild. Connections Academy 9th grade.
20. (What i put.. not sure if it's completely right tho, teacher hasn't graded.) "Buck. He was created as a happy dog and loved his family. When buck moved he was not prepared for the cold and has to use dog/wolf instincts to survive."
100% answers is wrong on all of them
100% Guaranteed
@these are right are those answers for connections academy too
You guys know they change up the answers for tests right?
These answers are 100 percent wrong
Bill is right. These's are wrong. Either got the wrong test, or the teacher's changed the questions around. I didn't follow these answers though, I'm going my own way. I will post the correct answers when I get them though!
The correct answers for the Lesson 11, Unit 3, The Call of the Wild Unit Test are-

1. C
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. C
7. C
8. C
9. A
10. A
11. A
12. B
13. D
14. B
15. C
16. A
17. B
18. A
19. A
All of you are very incorrect. It is true, on every English test the answers are changed at different times. So each you are incorrect.
Are these the answers to the test in the correct order or in the listed order?
link dont work
100% answers at top is correct i got 100
i got
i just finished the test, i got a lot wrong because of "100% Answers" answers but the answers i just gave you are the answers that they said were the actual answers on the test, if you get them wrong than i guess they actually did change the questions around
mcoof i have tried all of these and they are wrong
All of these people are wrong,
1 B
2 B
3 D
4 A
5 A
6 B
7 D
8 C
9 A
10 C
11 D
12 D
13 D
14 C
15 A
16 B
17 B
18 A
19 A
20: You guys are on your own for this one, listen to these answers unless she changed them. seeya. October 24th 2018
Aka happy birthday Hybrid Theory Linkin Park 18 years
What is right
All of these answers are wrong. I don't know if you guys know but the teachers all started switching up the tests for every student. So none of these answers will be right.
You guys, try putting the answers with the questions so we know for sure which answer is with which question.
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. D
8. D
9. C
10. A
11. D
12. A
13. A
14. B
15. C
16. A
17. B
18. A
19. A
Trust in the BATMAN....%100 right!!!!!!!!

I'M BATMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Batman is wrong.. don't trust in batman...
Every test is different but some answers are the same. You just have to think if you want an A or not and figure it out. Thanks for trying to help anyway everyone! You all get A's 😂
this is funny
1. B changed into
2. C slovenly
3. D rear leg
4. B attentive to details
5. B he gets attacked
6. C man vs nature
7. C Buck did not
8. A conflict
9. C by what Jade
10.A through Hollys words
11.D It put him in
12. B theme
13.D We are driven
14.B but his fighting
15.A Bucks actions
16.C Manuel needed
17.B expertise
18. B skinny
19. A violence

Use your own words on 20. look up Buck he was a easy one.
Thanks 100% answers i failed.
answers are
Yw!! :)
Umm so who's right? I know they change up the answer tho
The teacher switching the answers up for each student so there’s no point of using this
Trying to save you
accually there are only diffrent awsners if you took honors or not
I have no idea who to trust so im just going to try my best with what i know. Ill post the answers later when i finish. :)
I just took the test and the correct answers are:
B Changed into a different kind of dog
B Temporary
C He expressed his love by playfully calling Buck unpleasant names
B Attentive to details
B He gets attacked by other dogs
C Man vs nature
C Buck did not read the newspapers
A Conflict
C By what jade says and what karla thinks about jade
B I hate the cold, and besides, im not sure i like sledding
C Forcing him into live or die survival situations for the first time
D Rising action
A Always trust your gut
B He knew he was at last answering the call
B Spitz's actions
B She was friendly and did not see danger in other dogs
B Expertise
C Meat eaters
D The primitive origin of Bucks relationship with John Thorton

The last one is on you!!!

I promise this is 100% correct for these questions
clickbait is right!! merci!
Clickbait was right, you just have to kinda search through the questions because they're in a different order. Here's an updated version. This is for - English 9 A Unit 3: The Call of the Wild Lesson 11: Unit Test

1. C - They would move secretively, often looking for food.
2. C - Slovenly.
3. B - To please her by giving her something she likes.
4. B - Courteous.
5. B - He gets attacked by other dogs.
6. B - Man VS. Nature.
7. A - The narrator is outside the story, all-knowing and uses 'he', 'she', and 'they'.
8. C - Resolution.
9. C - by what Jade says and what Karla thinks about Jade.
10. A - Through Aisha's actions.
11. B - Forcing him into live or die situations for the first time.
12. D - Rising Action.
13. A - Always trust your gut.
14. B - "He knew he was at last answering the call, running by the side of his wood brother toward the place from where the call surely came."
15. B - Buck vs. Spitz.
16. A - He did not have the strength.
17. A - Lazy person.
18. C - Meat-eaters.
19. D - The primitive origin of Buck's relationship with John Thornton.
20. That's for you to do yourself!

Hope this helps, I hate to see threads like this so full of arguments and such, so I apologize in advance if these answers change or are incorrect, this is for English 9 A Unit 3: The Call of the Wild Lesson 11: Unit Test, again.
aDaline is correct.
Your teachers are onto you!
(Mrs. Sue) I will report to your next of kin that you were a failure.
Currently is:
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. D
10. A
11. A
12. D
13. A
14. C
15. B
16. A
17. A
18. C
19. D
100% answers as of 11/19/19
1. C - They would move secretively, often looking for food
2. C - slovenly
3. D - rear leg
4. A - dull and boring
5. C - Spitz
6. A - man vs. man
7. C - "Buck did not read the news papers, or he would have known the trouble was brewing, not alone for himself, but for every tide- water dog..."
8. C - resolution
9. D - by revealing stories about Ms. Kemp
10.A- Through Holly's words
11. B - forcing him into live or die survival situations for the first time
12. A - Dialect
13. A- Always trust your gut
14. B- ...But his fighting spirit was aroused-
15. A- Bucks actions
16. B- she was friendly
17. A- Lazy person
18. B- Skinny
19. A- Violence
20. your on your own!!!!

I hope this helped!!! All are 100% correct!!!!!!!
All of the assessments are different
up some have differ answer youre risking your grade a unit test is huge btw ;)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello, looks like you scrolled all the way to the bottom like me, searching for maybe 2020's version of the test? Well I asume so because that's what I'm doing right now. I am taking the test right now, so I will update the answers here in a bit, so please be patient and DO NOT harrass me for a wrong answer!! If it is that important, than you should have studied.
I am back with the Answers for English 9A Unit 3 Lesson 11: The Call of The Wild: Unit Test
Warning: The answers given below are for the 2020 version!!!! If you are reading this in like 2021 or so on...I don't know what to tell you buddy.
1) changed into a different kind of dog
2) temporary
3) he expressed his love by playfully...
4) dull and boring
5) Spitz
6) man vs. man
7) Buck did not read the newspapers...
8) exposition
9) by what Jade says and what Karla thinks about Jade
10) I hate the cold...
11) It put him is situations where...
12) dialect
13) We are driven by out ancient animal instincts
14) ...but his fighting spirit was aroused...
15) Buck's actions
16) Manual needed money for gambling debts
17) portion
18) arrogant
19) the hairy man
20) your on your own with this one, for me I just did Buck. He seemed like the easiest character...

I wish you all good luck with this test and I hope I was able to help!!!
Dude how tf did you knowwwww
Life save may God bless u
we live in a country where we are blessed to have a high education and an expensive curriculum. If you wanna 'pass' by cheating, you are showing how ungrateful you are to live in amazing country. Everyone who is on here, I encourage you guys to stop cheating and do your work on your own. I promise you that when you get a passing grade when you dont cheat, its the best feeling.
Stop cheating. I am only here to stand up for what is right. this website should be banned tbh.
If you are cheating to pass, you are better off not having an education and not go to school and have no job and waste your life.
stop cheating.
they changed the test again, different questions and order
ok so what i did was read the questions and answers to the test that aDaline, connections academy student, and Bean Sprout posted then looked at my own and chose which one were right and which answers that were switched up. think smarter not harder. also thanks to u all for putting in the effort to help! I made a 18/19 soooooo
Who has the answers for the theme development quiz
can someone please give the 2020 answers for this test?
1. changed into a different kind of dog.
2. slovenly.
3. he expressed his love by playfully calling Buck unpleasant names.
4. attentive to details
5. Spitz vs. nature.
7. “Buck did not read the newspapers, or he would have known that trouble was brewing, not alone for himself, but for every tide-water dog. . .”
8. exposition
9. what Karla says, does, and thinks.
10. through Holly’s words
11. depict how Buck becomes a tough survivor.
12. theme
13. Always trust your gut.
14. “Buck stood and looked on, the successful champion, the dominant primordial beast who made his kill and found it good.”
15. Buck vs. Spitz
16. Manuel needed money for gambling debts.
17. expertise
18. arrogant
19.the primitive origin of Buck's relationship with John Thornton
All the test are different so you have to look through all of them to find answers, but I hope this helps. This was right as of October 25, 2020. Goodluck ;)
We can see this...I would advise against cheating as we have all of these answers saved! Make a good choice. Study. Do your own work.
1.A a difficult task
2.B temporary
3.C he expressed his love by playfully calling Buck unpleasant names
4.B attentive to details
5.C Spitz
6.A man vs. man
7.A the narrator is outside the story all knowing and uses the pronouns he, she, and they
8.C exposition
9.A what Karla says, does, abs thinks
10.C “I hate the cold, and besides, i’m not sure I like sledding”
11.A depict how Buck becomes a tough survivor
12.A dialect
13.A always trust your gut
14.B “he knew he was at last answering the call, running by the side of his wood brother toward the place from where the call surely came”
15.C buck vs spitz
16.B she was friendly and did not see the danger in the other dogs
17. A lazy person
18. C meat eaters
19. D the primitive origin of bucks relationship with john Thornton
1. b
2. c
3. b
20. i don’t know..
i got 5/19 using others answers.
test answers
1- they would move more secretively, often looking for food
2- enjoy watching others play
3- rear leg
4- attentive to details
5- spitz
6-Man vs man
7- third person omniscient
8- exposition
9- what Karla says does and thinks
10- through Hollys words
11- it put him in situations where he had to turn his animal instincts in order to survive
12- dialect
13- we are driven by our ancient animals instincts
14- he knew he was last answering the call, running by the side of his Woodbrother tour of the place from where the call Surely came
15- buck vs spitz
16-She was friendly and did not see the danger in the other dogs
hope this helps :)
Stop cheating!
ms. sue no one will stop cheating its a normal thing
Ms. Sue wasn't dead? ._.
Its yall trynna make other people fail the test for me
hold on imma take the test and then give the answers
idk where you at it September
does anyone have English 9 A Unit 3: The Call of the Wild Lesson 11: Unit Test for 2021
never mind took the test
Dude, I need check my answers
So, I'm going to help you guys, but don't judge me, these where the correct answers for me:
1. A. a difficult task
2. B. temporary
3. D. rear leg
4. A. dull and boring
5. B. he gets attacked by other dogs.
6. A. man vs. man
7. A. The narrator is outside the story, all-knowing, and uses the pronouns he, she, and they
8. C. exposition
9. C. by what Jade says and what Karla thinks about Jade
10. A. through Holly's words
11. B. forcing him into live or die survival situations for the first time
12. B. theme
13. B. Only the strong survive
14. B. ... but his fighting spirit was aroused-the fighting spirit that soars above the odds, fails to recognize the impossible, and is deaf to all save the clamor for battle.
15. A. Buck's actions
16. C. Manuel needed money for gambling debuts.
17. D. portion
18. A. arrogant
19. D. the primitive origin of Buck's relationship with John Thornton

You'll have to do the open book question on your own
thank you jungkook's kookie and no judgement here
i lied i have different questions
heyyyy these are all wrong i don't know who to trust why won't just put the answer write the whole thing out it would be lot easier
If it is incorrect you should: read the story, underline that you think is importent, and look back if you must.

It will help, you will be independent, you'll be using the honor code, and you'll feel good about it!
i dont know what to say about this except i just needed some help... lol
Okay, guys. Everyone is wrong. Don't look at the letters look at what the answer choices are. Stop just putting the letter. Put the entire answer. They randomize the answer choices for everyone. I am just going to go with the latest answers.
here are the answers to the test from my end.
1. changed into a different dog.
2. enjoy watching others play
3. He expressed his love by playfully
4. Courteous
5. he gets attacked by other dogs.
6. man vs. man
Thats all I will give.
Good luck.
Y’all are ALL WRONG
can somebody just tell
Whoever sees this we know your cheating all answers are wrong and stop cheating come on here after you’ve read the book and are taking the test and CHECK your answers don’t just follow the letters I only came in here to check question 19 and you guys come on here to get the whole test like just grow up.
^lol no
so what are the answers then? lol
Been arguing and giving the wrong answers since 2016..... lol
hi Bell Cranel lol
Does anyone know where I can find answers for the midterm semester exam for english... 😭
I'm I the only one who got 21 question 💀
Yo tf is happening😭
Aye for a fun "time" ask n I'll give u my discord.
Also I got the answers!
Hey just because we live in a first world country doesn’t mean we don’t have a hard life you don’t know what anyone is going through so maybe think before you speak. Also just because we use this website doesn’t mean we won’t be successful in life there are so many types of jobs and people now and you don’t need a college degree as much anymore either, look I don’t mean to be mean at all but it’s not cool to say that to anyone especially when you don’t know them or anything about them have nice day/night :)
@stop cheating!! Hey just because we live in a first world country doesn’t mean we don’t have a hard life you don’t know what anyone is going through so maybe think before you speak. Also just because we use this website doesn’t mean we won’t be successful in life there are so many types of jobs and people now and you don’t need a college degree as much anymore either, look I don’t mean to be mean at all but it’s not cool to say that to anyone especially when you don’t know them or anything about them have nice day/night :) answers?
Please please I am begging you
I have the answers for the test as of 11/8/23!

1. When London speaks of Buck metamorphosing he means that Buck:
Answer: changed into a different kind of dog.

2. A camp could be described as transient because it is:
Answer: Temporary

3. The farmer had to remove a large thorn from the horse's hindquarters.
Answer: Rear leg

4. Eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every day felt monotonous after a few months.
Answer: Dull and boring

5. In 'The Call of the Wild', when Buck is first kidnapped, all of the following occur except:
Answer: He gets attacked by other dogs.

6. In 'The Call of the Wild', when Hal and his dogs fall into a hole in the ice, the conflict can be best described as:
Answer: Man vs. Nature

7. Which of the following sentences illustrates that 'The Call of the Wild' is in third-person omniscient narration?
Answer: "Buck did not read the newspapers, or he would have known that trouble was brewing, not alone for himself, but for every tide-water dog. . ."

8. The scene where Hal beats the starving Buck nearly to death is an example of what plot element in 'The Call of the Wild'?
Answer: Conflict

9. (I'm not writing the wholeee thing)...The author of "The High School Step Team" reveals Karla's character to readers by describing:
Answer: What Karla says, does, and thinks

10. (Again, not writing the whole thing.) How does the author of "The Invitation" mainly reveal Tasha's character?
Answer: "I hate the cold, and besides, I'm not sure I like sledding."

11. How does the setting serve in 'The Call of the Wild' to develop Buck as a character?
Answer: It put him in situations where he had to turn to his animal instincts in order to survive.

12. In 'The Call of the Wild', Buck's abduction from his home in California is an example of:
Answer: Rising action

13. Which of the following statements would not be a main theme in 'The Call of the Wild'?
Answer: Always trust your gut

14. Which of the following lines from 'The Call of the Wild' best supports one of the central themes?
Answer: ". . .but his fighting spirit was aroused--the fighting spirit that soars above odds, fails to recognize the impossible, and is deaf to all save the clamor for battle."

15. Which of the following conflicts in 'The Call of the Wild' is most important to the development of Buck as a character?
Answer: Buck vs. Spitz

16. In 'The Call of the Wild', Curly was killed because:
Answer: She was friendly and did not see the danger in the other dogs.

17. To make sure the groceries would last the entire week, the troop leader gave each camper a daily ration of food.
Answer: Portion

18. Some scientists contest that humans were not meant to be carnivorous.
Answer: Meat-eaters

19. In 'The Call of the Wild', the man with the red sweater most likely represents:
Answer: Violence

Hope this helps! Have a lovely day and happy holidays (For whenever you read this)
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