Ms.Sue can you tell me if this correct and all the information is in here. Let me know if I missing something? I changed the name.
The Cangoan relationship is very-powerful. There relationship with each other, it mainly based on trust. The people know about their living relatives by the proximity of their homes. The Cangoan know about deceased relatives through information and stories orally from one generation to the next.
They support each other time-to -time when they are feel discouraging: especially when things get harder. Cangoan learn to be support to each other, get along peacefully within one another in most nation do. According to Cangoan relationship was taught not to interfere with others: particularly with elder it is a symbol of disrespect. By respecting each other , to compromise to help them feel content. Generally speaking, Cangoan share many values with other peoples around the world. Cangoan cultures are very different from other cultures in Chiwawia and throughout the world. They are unique and have no other place of origin. The Cangoan beliefs and ways of life have been assumed by the dominant culture to be without value or purpose. Cangoan lived in small village close to mountains, knowing of its sources. The Cangoan land was needed and demand issue, facing modern of the environment. They recognized as spiritual creations of what it was worth. The Cangoan traditions connect them with flesh and blood being past and present. The Cangoan had access mineral and reservoir sites area contributed to the law. They document member’s neglect of Cangoan fiscal and deliberate on new researcher that makes a convincing case for the Cangoan in American economic history. The American history are incomplete the Cangoan entrepreneurship makes little sense unless historian acknowledge United State incorporation Cangoan resources worker and capitalists. Normally the band members married outside their group and marry into another group. The men are chief Cheieawa subsistence events - hunting and fishing. Also, the men challenged more than women. There are mature women over run men; it was permissible for some men to have more women. On the other hand if men appeared being taking additional wives just to enrich his reputation; an enemy would likely to take one of the wives. Abandoned husbands try to murder his wife assassin, and then he will take his own life: retaliation at some point. He also defies the enemy to a hymn of some kindled conflicts. Even if he doesn't win the fight; it is not promise to get his wife back.
5 answers
Please read it slowly aloud to someone else. That should help you catch many more errors. Also be sure to carefully check punctuation. Divide this into paragraphs. The best way to do it here is to hit the Enter key twice after each paragraph.
For example, "Abandoned husbands try to murder his wife assassin..." If the husband has been "abandoned," that usually means his wife left him, not that she was assassinated or murdered. And while he may take his own life, is it in retaliation for something? The use of the word retaliation is inappropriate, or at least very unclear.
Make sure you know what the word means before you use it. And keep at it. You're doing rather well, but need to keep working at it. :)
I didn't proofread it,I just want to know was I doing it right.I am going to get it.I am Spanish.Believe that!!!!Again Thank you for looking at it . I wouldn't know what to do without Ms.Sue. You are Remarkable!!!!!!!!