Mr. Jones always gives True/False tests to his class. His tests always have 20 ques-
tions. The maximum class size is 35. He needs a program that will calculate the stu-
dents’ grades based on the best score.
A will range from the best score, to the best score minus 2.
B will range from the best score minus 3, to the best score minus 4.
C will range from the best score minus 5, to the best score minus 6.
D will range from the best score minus 7, to the best score minus 8.
F will be anything below the best score minus 8.
Each student’s ID and test answers will be entered. The output will be each stu-
dent’s ID, number correct, and grade, along with the single highest score for the
class. Develop a solution for Mr. Jones’s problem. Use four one-dimensional
arrays—one for the correct scores and the other three for the needed output.
1 answer