Mia goes for a jog every morning. The line plot shows the number of hours she jogged for five days.

Number of hours

How many total hours did she jog for those five days?

possible answer: 5/4; 10/4; 11/4; 14/4 hours.

19 answers

What does xx represent?
Those "xx" represents on the line plot on top of each fractions
Do you mean that each x represents one day?

2/4 xx means she jogged 2/4 of an hour on each of two days?
I guess,yes
2/4 + 2/4 + 3/4 + 3/4 + 4/4 = _______ hours
It's a line plot from 0 to 1(0; 1/4; 2/4; 3/4; 1) on top of 2/4 is "xx"; 3/4 is "xx"; 1 is "x". It's hard for me to explain because here is no option to draw that line plot
Just add those fractions. Their sum matches one of your answer choices.
I got 6/4? What is correct one?
Oh no it's 5/4?
No. Add the denominators.

The denominator stays the same. The denominator is 4.
Did you mean the numerator? I still got 5/4. What is the correct answer?
Add the numerators. What do you get?
First I got 6 in numerator but there is no such answer but then I decided the numerator is 5. So, now I am not sure.
2 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 4 = ?
Is it 14/4?
Thank you very much :)
You are very welcome.
thank you