Medieval Times: Letter to the Queen of Conections Academy PLease help

You will earn a 10/10 portfolio grade for correctly completing and submitting the following assignment by 10/30/2015:

Please review the attached list of Medieval titles, trades, positions and classes. Use your social studies book as a resource to assist you in recalling information about the Medieval Feudal System. You will write a formal persuasive letter asking the Queen of Connections Education to grant you your chosen title. Be sure to give evidence supporting your claims that you should hold your chosen title. Write your paper using the correct format. Attach your MS Word document in a webmail attachment and be sure use Medieval Times Letter EC in the subject heading. Have fun with this! Be creative! If you use new vocabulary word, please highlight them!

Format for your persuasive letter:

Medieval Address (Just make this up. Please be creative.)
Medieval City, State and Zip Code

School's Name
City, State and Zip Code

Today’s Date

To whom it may concern,

Come up with an interesting introduction and be sure to end with your thesis … (Complete this sentence with your own personal belief about why you should be...)

Give the first reason that you should be..... (This is your opportunity to give facts to back up this reason.) This needs to be at least 3 sentences and should provide examples.

Give the second reason I believe this is…because… This needs to be at least 3 sentences and should provide examples.

Give the final reason I believe this is…because… This again, needs to a minimum 3 sentences and should provide examples.

It is true that some people disagree with me. They say that… (Give one or two reasons why people feel different from your viewpoint). However, this is not correct. (Write a sentence or two that present facts proving these arguments wrong.)

As you can see, I would be… (Use this space to restate the opinion that you expressed in the first paragraph). I hope that you sure to thank them too!


(Sign your name here)

Print your name here

* Extra credit will be posted after the deadline passes, and you will see that extra credit at the top of your Language Arts gradebook.

3 answers

teacher gave until 1/8/2016
please help
Well, what position do you intend to apply for?
You are applying. I am not applying.
Let's see your work first. I bet someone here would be willing to help at that time.
What kind of help do you need with these assignments? We can't read your text book for you, nor can we write the letter for you. Be specific about what you need from us.