maybe i drew it wrong...

h t t p : / / i 3 2 . t i n y p i c . c o m / i p m k o 5 . j p g

the way my teacher taught me the angle of depression was the anlge that is made with a horizontal line or something like that

i believed i drew it right

oh and by the way this is the diagram i drew for that problem i asked earlier which I\'m not sure to do i though it drew it right

2 answers

Here's the link to the diagram.
The angle PAQ is the angle of elevation viewed from the ship, which is the same as the angle of depression viewed from the airplane (8&deg20'). The same for ship B.

This is because the angles of elevation and depression are alternate angles between two parallel lines.

I agree with the two calculations above using H/tan(θ) for the horizontal distance, and the answer of 13.143 km.

See original post: