Matching- Match the character to the description of them.
Potential Matches:
1 : Daisy Buchanan
2 : Nick Carraway
3 : Jay Gatsby
4 : George Wilson
5 : Myrtle Wilson
: This character is striving for the green light and believes that one can "repeat the past."
: This character has a voice that is "full of money."
: Murders Gatsby & commits suicide
: George Wilson's unstable wife and Tom's mistress
: The narrator of the story & Gatsby's neighbor
could i get help matching these
5 answers
What kind of help do you want?
like could i get a link or something to help guide me through it
jimm, you may not be watching here now, but I would not help you with this question at all. You should have read the book. You have not.
no i read the book just forgot some parts i ended up getting them right on my first try lol thanks