Here are the matches for the expressions in Column A to their English meanings in Column B:
Column A
- tener orgullo : b. to be proud
- tener hambre : e. to be hungry
- no tener razón : d. to be incorrect
- tener cuidado : c. to be careful
- tener celos : f. to be jealous
For Questions 2-11 where you identify whether "tener" or "tener que" is used, the answers are as follows:
Question 2: They have to listen more.
Answer: b. tener que
Question 3: My mother has three children.
Answer: a. tener
Question 4: We have to go to practice after school.
Answer: b. tener que
Question 5: I have to talk to my sister later.
Answer: b. tener que
Question 6: We have a lot of homework.
Answer: a. tener
Question 7: We don't have to use a pen.
Answer: b. tener que
Question 8: She has beautiful hair.
Answer: a. tener
Question 9: Do you have to help Raquel today?
Answer: b. tener que
Question 10: She has the answers.
Answer: a. tener
Question 11: He has to register for the draft.
Answer: b. tener que