mercedes is 2 years old
mario is 34 years old
Mario is 16 years older than his sister Mercedes. Together, their ages total 36 years. How old is Mercedes?
Mercedes is 20 years old.
let x = Mario's age
y = Mercedes' age
Mario is 16 years older than Mercedes; therefore, add 16 to Mercedes' age to get Mario's age. X = Y+16 is eqn 1.
eqn 2 is X + Y = 36
Solve the two equations simultaneously. 20 is not the right age for Mercedes' age. If 20 is her age, then Mario's age is 20 + 16 = 36 and the sum of the ages is 36 + 20 = 56 but the problem says the total is 36. Thus, 20 can't be right for Mercedes' age.
5 answers
the sum of kim and tony's ages is 42. the difference in their ages is 4 years, how old are tony and kim?
Lisa is 7 years older than her sister Annabelle. Which equation relates Lisa's age (a) to Annabelle's age (b)?