Many painters in Degas' time thought that they could be better painters by copying famous paintings.
[ How do you pronounce "Degas'"?
1. ..z 2. ...ziz 3....(no 's' sound )]
4 answers
No "s" sound.
Degas is pronounced day-gah
Degas' is pronounced day-gahz
Degas' is pronounced day-gahz
I can't understand the whole thing that he said.
(What is the meaning of the sentence?
1. I can't understand what he said at all.
2. I can't understand some(?) of what he said.
3. I cann understand almost all the things that he said, but not all.)
(What is the meaning of the sentence?
1. I can't understand what he said at all.
2. I can't understand some(?) of what he said.
3. I cann understand almost all the things that he said, but not all.)