Manuel Munoz "leave your name at the border" and Maya Angelou "Whats your name girl" Discuss the importance of names as it relates and shapes identity. Compare and contrast these two works and how each contributes whether negatively or positively to how ones name is indicative of how an individual views oneself.
- I know the importance of names in Maya Angelou's "whats your name girl" was imperative to Margaret. Since slaves were known to have their names altered for their owners convenience. Maya disagreed to this and feared to be called by another name that was not hers. She was proud of her name and was not going to let anyone change it even if it mean doing a rebellious act such as breaking her owners china.
- For Manuel Munoz "Leave your name at the border" At first he doesn't really mind having his named changed, altered to the "english way". He already feels he doesn't quite fit in and if saying it the "english" way he felt like he fit in. He notices through out time American names begin to dominate through his family but he understands it is done to make it easier for the children with American names. But towards the end he realizes he does like his name and is what makes him who he is.
I need help with Comparing and contrasting these two works and how each contributes whether negatively or positively to how ones name is indicative of how an individual views oneself.
please help me outline my 3 main points to compare and contrast
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