make six suggestions on how to combat the violations of human rights identified by you in the previous questions and indicate any organisations you have come about in your research and indicate how they combat the human rights violations or discriminations

12 answers

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six suggestion oh how to fight the violation of human rights?
gUys pleAse wE'Re deSperAte hErE...we reAllY nEed tHoSe aNswErs
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try to shw thm lv n be equal
equal lv must be shown to all ppl,even foreigners
There is no help here,you guys r jst selfish,i dnt knw m still bothering my self about all this app.agg there is no help but selfishness her,jst get over your selves nd find a life hell wth this app.and if you guys dnt hve anything beta to say here,jst go to facebook or twitter otentshe bodutu not here.we r holding a serious business here,not some jokes nd boring talks.#offended
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Hlp us
six suggestions on how to combat the human rights or discrimination
1Knw ur rigt 2Never give bribe 3Be ready to commit ur time
I don't know the answer