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Directions: Locate the events and historical persons listed in the table below. For each one, provide the required information in an annotation box. To do this, insert a Callout (Insert > Shape > Callouts) and type the required info inside. Then, drag and drop your box on top of the map with the pointer in the correct location.
Information to include in your annotation:
Country(-ies) involved. This could be more than one country.
Description/significance. Write a one sentence annotation. The annotation may be a description, it may be the historical significance, or it may be the outcome and effects of the event/person.
One has been done for you as an example. You can duplicate the slide with the map and put some of the callout boxes on the second if you want more room.
3 answers
Country(-ies) involved: Germany, France, United Kingdom, United States
Description/significance: The Treaty of Versailles was the peace treaty that ended World War I, imposing harsh penalties on Germany and leading to resentment and economic hardship in the country which contributed to the rise of Hitler and the start of World War II.
Dr. Livingstone & Stanley
Crimean War
Zapata & “Pancho” Villa
Cecil Rhodes
Boxer Rebellion
Meiji Era
Menelik II
Berlin Conference
Suez Canal
Boer War
Taiping Rebellion
Opium War
Sepoy Mutiny
Commodore Matthew Perry