The first sentence is wrong I think, u are saying 'the friends (girls) are in living room' so the grammar is wrong. it should be 'dans le salon' to say 'in THE living room' so it will make sense.
With the second line, etes should have an accent above it (it looks like a hat).
'Vous avez 20 euros' is correct, it means 'you (all) have 20 euros'.
'Vous allez aller dans le magasins' is wrong though.
You used the future tense correct but the bit after it is wrong. You said (translated)'you are going to go in the shops'.
You should write it as 'vous allez aller aux magasins'
i think what i've told u is correct, u can correct parts of it if u think its wrong though.
Hope I helped! :)
Les amies sont au salon. Elles ont une télé. Elles vont regarder un film.
Vous etes au café. Vous avez 20 euros. Vous allez aller dans les magasins.
Please check these 2. If there is anything wrong with them, please tell me so I can correct.
2 answers
Good job, Taz!
Sra (aka Mme)
Sra (aka Mme)