la langue modèle-t-elle l'étage antérieur ou postérieur du palais
3 answers
for SraJMcGin!
Help in French needed.
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum again. Often, if your computer is not set up for accents, it might be better to omit them! Again, if you wish a translation:
Does language modify (l'âge?) the previous or subsequent of the palace"
***Now, the problems, I deal with "language" however "la langue" can refer to "the tongue" physically and "le palais" can refer to "the Bar/the law, figuratively.
Without the complete CONTEXT, it is impossible to tell you what this really says!
However, since you classified it under "medecine" let me look for some sites that may help you.
Does language modify (l'âge?) the previous or subsequent of the palace"
***Now, the problems, I deal with "language" however "la langue" can refer to "the tongue" physically and "le palais" can refer to "the Bar/the law, figuratively.
Without the complete CONTEXT, it is impossible to tell you what this really says!
However, since you classified it under "medecine" let me look for some sites that may help you.