First of all you need a letter format. You could begin with "To Whom It May Concern." Now plan the reasons why you think junk food SHOULD be illegal or why it should NOT. If you write a 5 paragraph letter, here's the format:
paragraph 1: Why are you writing this letter?
paragraph 2: The first point/reason for your stance.
paragraph 3: The 2nd reason/point.
paragraph 4: The 3rd reason/point.
paragrah 5: Conclusion.
Your instructions were very clear. Remember this is YOUR assignment. In addition:
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Therefore, please take the time to try to do this work yourself. We really do look forward to reading what you post after you've made an effort. Good luck!
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k like i have to write something for english like a persasuive essay. so here the ? the goverment had decided to make alll junk food illegal. you have to write a letter the gov teling em that u agree wid em or disagree. u have to have 3 main points as to why u agree or disgree.
1 answer