**Just to let you know, I followed the steps you told me to in my last post.**
40. Mama va a llamar a la _______ porque mi hermana menor todavía tiene fiebre.
a. médico
b. médica
c. hospital
d. profesor
41. "¿Por qué no duermes?"
"Porque _______."
a. no tengo sueño
b. estoy cansada
c. tengo sueño
d. debo descansar
I really don't know which one would fit because A=I have no dream,b=I'm tired, c=I have dream and d= must rest. None of these seem to fit...
43. Me duele la garganta porque ______.
a. estamos enfermos
b. descanso
c. tengo un resfriado
d. estoy mejor
For this one it would be A but the meaning I'm getting is "we are sick." which doesn't fit. The only other one that would go with this is maybe C which is "I have a cold" even though a cold has nothing to do with a sore throat..?
44. ____, ¿qué te duele?
a. Tú
b. Y a ti
c. A mí
d. Al gato
46. "¿Por qué no como algo?"
"Porque tengo _______."
a. que ir al mar
b. un terrible dolor de estómago
c. amigos que prefieren comer conmigo
d. hambre
I didn't fine the correct translation of this so I can't say...
47. Debo quedarme en la cama cuando _______.
a. me lastimé la mano
b. me siento mejor
c. tengo gripe
d. no me duele nada
A or C...
48. Tengo un resfriado y no me siento bien. Profesor, ¿puedo ir ______?
a. al hospital
b. a la enfermería
c. a la clínica para las personas que no pueden dormir
d. a la zapatería
A or B?
49. "_____"
"Tengo un resfriado terrible."
a. ¿Cómo te sientes?
b. ¿Qué tiempo hace?
c. ¿Cómo están?
d. ¿Te duele la mano?
50. Hace sol y ____. Quiero ir a nadar.
a. debo quedarme en casa
b. me siento mal
c. no tengo razón
d. tengo calor
D? Not sure...
1 answer
43. It IS C. I have a cold (and often a sore throat goes with it or vice versa!)
thank you for telling me what you are doing and you are coming far closer! Otherwise I was afraid you were not making progress.
44. The problem is the verb "doler" because it takes an Indirect Object Pronoun: me duele, te duele, le duele, etc. The answer is B. As for you, what is hurting you?
46. This is an odd one because the question is asked of oneself and not someone else. "Why don't I eat something?" B Because I have a terrible stomach ache.
47. C When I have the flu. (For A you don't have to stay in bed with a hurt hand.)
48. B to the Infirmary = schools USED to have nurses, but no longer. However a teacher could not give you permission to go to the hospital. (A)
49. Yes, D. It's sunny (and I'm warm) I want to go to swim.