John Loads A Collapsed Inflatable Boat Into A Two-wheel "grocery Type" Handcart. He Used An 8 Foot Long Board To Lengthen The Underside Of The Cart, The End Of The Board Serves As A New Extended Handle For His Cart.Now When He Goes To Pull His Longer Cart, He Is Pulling With The Cart At A 20-degree Angle (much Closer To The Ground Than Before). Based On What You Read Above The Direction Of Force And Movement , What Will Happen?

a. the cart will be even harder to pull now because it is lower to the ground
b. the cart will be even harder to pull now because of the extra weight of the board
c. The cart will be easier to pull, in spite of the weight of the board, because now the angle of the pull is much closer to the angle of movement.
d. there is no real change because it takes the same amount of to pull a given amount of weight no matter how you pull it

1 answer

To be honest, if I were on drugs, I might be able to read your question. As it is, it is just confusing to read. Sorry.