Jasper's friend Tina challenges him to a game of Unders and Overs. He's never played the game before, so Tina explains the rules:

"You bet what the total value will be when I roll two dice. Then, I roll the dice and their total determines whether you win money off me or whether I get to keep your bet. Don't worry, it's not complicated; you only have three bets that you can make.

"You can bet Under 7. If the total is under 7, you win 'even money'—the same amount as you bet. You double your money. But if the total is 7 or more, you lose your bet.

"You can bet Over 7. If the total is over 7, you win even money. It the total is 7 or less, you lose.

"You can bet 7. If the total is exactly seven, then you win three times the amount you bet —you quadruple your money! But any total except 7 means I win. So, do you want to play?"

Jasper knows that Tina hates to lose. He also knows that he can't afford to lose money right now, but he sure would like to win some from Tina. Jasper uses his powerful math skills to analyze the game and see what his chances are of coming out the winner.

Should Jasper play Unders and Overs? Is he likely to win or lose? If he stands a good chance of winning, is there a specific bet he should make each time?

How can Jasper answer these questions? Try to answer the questions yourself. Save your notes and calculations somewhere where you can refer to them again at the end of this module. You will not be graded on whether you can solve this question now, but you will be required to compare your attempt now with your second attempt at the end of the module.

1 answer

Can get 7 with 4,3 or 3,4 or 5,2 or 2,5 or 6,1 or 1,6 out of 36 possibilities = 6/36

Use the same logic for above or below 7.