Is this right?
I personally think the movie is enjoyable and entertaining because the environment in which the film occured is bright
Personnellement, je pense que le film est agréable et divertissant parce que l'environnement dans lequel le film est produit est lumineux
7 answers
I'll send this to one of our French experts.
Also is this correct?
1.) I like comedy and this film has a lot of comedy
-Je tiens comédie et ce film a beaucoup de comédie
2.) Overall the movie is successful in terms of comedy and entertainment.
-Globalement, le film est un succès en termes de comédie et de divertissement .
3.) I personally enjoyed watching the movie.
-Personnellement, j'aimé regarder le film .
4.) It definitely is a great movie for little kids to watch.
-Il est certainement un grand film pour les petits enfants à regarder.
Also is this correct?
1.) I like comedy and this film has a lot of comedy
-Je tiens comédie et ce film a beaucoup de comédie
2.) Overall the movie is successful in terms of comedy and entertainment.
-Globalement, le film est un succès en termes de comédie et de divertissement .
3.) I personally enjoyed watching the movie.
-Personnellement, j'aimé regarder le film .
4.) It definitely is a great movie for little kids to watch.
-Il est certainement un grand film pour les petits enfants à regarder.
' le" should drop the "le."
1. 'Je tiens" should be "J
2. 'OVerall" is "Surtout"
3. I enjoyed is past tense = J'ai aime (accent on e)
4. Drop "a er."
1. 'Je tiens" should be "J
2. 'OVerall" is "Surtout"
3. I enjoyed is past tense = J'ai aime (accent on e)
4. Drop "a er."
Also is this correct:
Great job to the entire case of Le-petit Nicolas!
Excellent travail pour l'ensemble du cas de Le-petit Nicolas !
Great job to the entire case of Le-petit Nicolas!
Excellent travail pour l'ensemble du cas de Le-petit Nicolas !
Also, is this correct
Great job to the entire cast of Le Petit Nicolas!
Excellent travail pour l'ensemble du casting de Le Petit Nicolas !
Great job to the entire cast of Le Petit Nicolas!
Excellent travail pour l'ensemble du casting de Le Petit Nicolas !
oh sorry. lol. I thought the responses weren't showing so I kept typing it.
Sorry, working with a brand newiPad Pro and having a terrible time, I really miss my computer,
1. I was trying to tell you that you need j'aime la comedie (no way to do accents yet)
4. Drop the last two words.
Ok on the last.
1. I was trying to tell you that you need j'aime la comedie (no way to do accents yet)
4. Drop the last two words.
Ok on the last.