is this correct?

Ashlee Simpson est la femme de Pete Wentz.
Homer et Marge sont les parents de Maggie.
Miley est la fille de Billy Ray.
Kevin Jonas est le frere de Nick.
would i use any forms of de (du, de la, de l', des) for any of these?

1 answer

Don't forget necessary accents. If you tell us MAC or PC, Windows or not, we can send you the chart; that's if you don't know how to do accent marks on the computer.

le frère

The reasons for using "de/du/de la/ de l'/des" is if you need the Partitive in French.
The idea of "some" or "any" with a noun is expressed in French by the Partitive. The words for "some" and "any" must be xpressed in French, and must be repeated before each noun, even though they are often omitted in English.
Voulez-vous DU poisson? Non, je préfère DE LA viande et DES légumes. = Do you want some fish? No, I prefer meat and vegetables.

Other examples of the Partitive:
des camions = some (any) trucks
Je 'ai pas fait dfe fautes. = I didn't make any mistakes (I made no mistakes.)

There are some special uses...when an adjective precedes a plural noun / when an adjective precedes a singular noun / but this was only to give you a basic idea.

So, to answer your question, no, you would not use de, de la, etc. in these sentences.

Sra (aka Mme)