Is the following sentence true or false?

An answear is as precise as the most precise measurement from which it was calculated.

My Answear: True

Round the following measurements as indicated

1)Round 65.145 meters to 4SF (69.145)
2)Round 100.1 to 1SF (100.2)

No. An answer is as precise as the LEAST precise measurement from which it was calculated.

65.145 would be rounded to four places and it depends upon how you have been taught to round a terminal 5. I round to the "even" number, so I would round to 65.14. [65.135 would round to 65.14 if we round to the "even" number." (Your answer of 65.145 didn't round at all. You kept 5 places.)

100.1 to 1 sf would be 1 x 10^2. Your answer of 100.2 has 4 s.f.