Is morality is a Social Function (Construction)? This would imply that there is no such thing as REAL morality only the morality that society forces us to follow (both consciously and unconsciously).
Use examples to explain your case. [ WARNING: If you do agree with this statement, which you most certainly have a right to, remember the implications; if society sanctions morality then what of concepts such as the Holocaust and ? If God is the one who sanctions morality then what of the Euthyphro problem and multiple religions in the world?]
Here is my answer again: Is this a good answer?
The term 'morality' can be defined under two broad classifications. They are (a) general description, (b) biblical description. Many people use the term morality and ethics synonymously. But morality means the actual content of right and wrong. Morality is the result of ethical deliberations, the substance of right and wrong. Morality is an abstract principle that is imbibed at a very tender age. Family and upbringing plays a vital role in this. Morality is not merely a social function but a way of life that is 'accepted' by the society in positive terms. I agree with the first part that it is society which depicts morality. I believe that all the civilizations which flourished were because of their moralities. Looking back in history, we find that people who had performed good deeds in life are still remembered. It is a principle not set by society but it is a feeling and emotion which one displays throughout life. Society never implies that one should behave in a wrong manner but it depends from person to person what he understands from it. Much depends on the upbringing of the person by the family. The primary concern of Euthyphro is the dilemma in the question "Were the pious loved by the gods because they were pious, or were they pious because they were loved by the gods?" so it depends on the individual perception and exposure that acts as an influencing factor for each and every person. Again it can be understood as being unique to every individual depending on their experiences in life. Society accepts the people who are positive in their actions but punishes the people who are negative in their actions and even gives the chance to the people who want to mend their way and want to be back in their life stream. We can take an example of a person who was named Jack Kevorkian AKA Dr. Death. Being a doctor he should have saved the life but he killed his patients who could not be cured. Society never permits anyone to take life as it is against nature. So he was convicted and punished.
1 answer
from person to person what he understands = to be "politic" you might want to add "he/she" or s/he?
Here is another example of singular/plural: "the individual perception and exposure that acts" = they act (compound/plural subject)
every individual depending on their experiences = on his/her or her/his or "the" to avoid that problem
to mend their way = only ONE way? or to mend their ways = different ways
Actually, I see the same errors I pointed out, was it last night?